for myself, if I die tomorrow I know I have achieved one thing in life, my kids wont be raised in a cult like I was
recently my family had occasion to attend a function held in our honor, an event commemorating a certain achievement.
it was thrown by close relatives, witnesses all.
it included parents, grandparents, cousins, siblings, auties and uncles.
for myself, if I die tomorrow I know I have achieved one thing in life, my kids wont be raised in a cult like I was
so, if someone is of the 144,000, dies, and supposedly goes to heaven, is it still possible for them to be misled, or kicked out, thus needing another replacement.
if the answer is yes, i guess the 144,000 will never be completed, in fact eventually they will have 144,000 replacements, then 144,000 replacements replacing the replacements, doh !
just a minute
<<bangs head against brick wall a few times to start thinking like a jdub again>>
no, once in heaven you are sealed and god knows you'll never sin (no fun sins possible in heaven)
same with those on earth after final test, cause otherwise everyone would eventually sin and die, even in it was in trillions of years
the watchtower doesn't want its members to see the da vinci code.
probably for the same reason they don't want its members to read their book "mankind's search for god".
they went to the trouble of researching and publishing this attractive well illustrated book.
I liked the James book and was told by a gilead grad that it was out of use because the main writer had been dfed not long after writing it. Not sure how true that is, someone else here might know.
I remember reading the predecessor to the search book, a yellow "What has religion done for mankind" I think was the title. It traced all religions back to Nimrod and babylon, total bs now but I lapped it up at the time. Great mythology.
to many, the notion that churches in "christendom" could be zealous - in contrast to the indifference of the watchtower society -.
might seem radical.
however, there is a recent, powerful example concerning marriage and divorce.. .
That combined with wives not being allowed to have an opinion should set witnoid couples up for a long and happy (for the hubby) union.
Oh, and if you get divorced without grounds then no more sex ever or you'll die.
someone asked a question in the "what generation are you" thread:.
were you "raised in the truth," or did you "come into the truth?".
i was raised..
born and bred
never really that keen on it but didn't manage to get out till I was 30ish
only intelligent replys.. big bang replys.. what is your theory on how humans came into existence?
Littletoe - what is more important our perceptions or the real world going on around us (is that your real question)?
imho, or should I say imor (in my own reality)
what is reality - your own reality is whatever you choose it to be, this is important to individuals, in most cases more important than the real reality
however the real world is what decides whether you die of something nasty dispite refusing to recognise the symptoms
the problem is that reality can be a harsh lens to look through, it can also be a bit elusive
so the real reality is more important, although noone knows what it is
qcmbr - perhaps if you knew the cat better you would be able to work it out, cause and effect - and also mountains eroding and stars exploding arent chaos conquering order, they are part of the order
only intelligent replys.. big bang replys.. what is your theory on how humans came into existence?
On the knowledge versus proof thing - (hopefully I can put this right - if you dont get it at least I "know" what I mean )
I am on the side that to "know" something requires proof
when someone has an experience this may be proof to him and therefore they feel they know something to be true, so they have their proof and this leads to the knowledge
other people wisely do not accept other peoples experience as proof unless they already agree with the fact being established or they for some reason have great trust in the other person
I say wisely because most people are delusional to at least some extent (what me, no I'm not overweight) and there are a lot of people in hospitals who have accepted experiental evidence that GOD exists and and is sitting in the corner wearing pink pyjamas
so when you say to me you had pie for dinner last night I accept that without requiring any more proof, when you tell me about your experiental evidence for God and that I must change my life to please him then I set a much higher burden of proof on you
when I left the witnesses I took a blank piece of paper and wrote on it everything important that I "KNEW" to be true, I could only come up with three things, and now I am not so sure about those
only intelligent replys.. big bang replys.. what is your theory on how humans came into existence?
If God made all the beautiful little creatures, and us, he sure dont seem to be bragging about it. He keeping pretty quiet for the last few millenium. Which is quite understandable imho given the world is a bit of a mess.
On the other hand if there was no creator we would expect to hear ... ... . .. .silence which is what we've got, and a messy stumbling around kind of world.
So unless our disinterested creator wants to put his hand up in a meaningful non-crap way (which naturally excludes 2000 year old compilations of scrolls) I have to go with the blue pill.
But fwiw I think that noone really knows as we weren't there.
The highest probability is that we are part of a self-aware (although delusional) computer simulation.
my eldest son (19 in oct') went for coffee he other day with a former associate of his who is still a jw.
the conversation eventually came around to spiritual things and his friend, matt, started firing the questions.
how he felt about the faith, would he go back, did he still believe?.....
Well, thanks y'all.
Been lurking a while and decided it was time to start making some noise.
my eldest son (19 in oct') went for coffee he other day with a former associate of his who is still a jw.
the conversation eventually came around to spiritual things and his friend, matt, started firing the questions.
how he felt about the faith, would he go back, did he still believe?.....
My problem with the JW scenario is this -
we are told that god is giving us the chance to show that we cant go it alone - we'll stuff it up
and then we're told that the whole world is in Satans hands - he is the ruler of the world.
Well which is it, are humans being given a fair chance to rule themselves or not. If Satan is ruling the world of course you're going to see murder and mayhem.
Just another nail in the JDubdum coffin.